• Caldaro, the fish soup with an unforgettable taste and more ...

Caldaro, the fish soup with an unforgettable taste

Caldaro, the fish soup with an unforgettable taste
Discover the Caldaro recipe, the traditional maremma dish - Agriturismoverde
Caldaro, the fish soup with an unforgettable taste

Caldaro, the fish soup with an unforgettable taste

Discover the Caldaro recipe, the traditional maremma dish

Number of views: 6371

Agriturismo - Where to stay overnight

The Caldaro is a traditional fish soup from the Argentario Promontory in southern Tuscany. Its name comes from a large pot (the caldaro) which was used to cook the soup directly on the beach or on the cliffs with whatever was fished on the spot.

Lombardelli’s recipe keeps the flavors, the colors and the spirit of the original soup, while adding a touch of sophistication. The fish listed in the ingredients can be easily found in the Maremma’s local waters, so it might be hard for this recipe to be replicated elsewhere… but you never know! You can add your sophisticated inspiration too!

Here's the Recipe: https://goo.gl/usvM3k

#recipes #tuscany #tradition #typical
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