• Magliano in Tuscany ❤️ the small town of olive trees and vineyards and more ...

Magliano in Tuscany ❤️ the small town of olive trees and vineyards

Magliano in Tuscany ❤️ the small town of olive trees and vineyards
Magliano in Tuscany, the small town of olive trees and vineyards - Agriturismoverde

Magliano in Tuscany ❤️ the small town of olive trees and vineyards

Magliano in Tuscany, the small town of olive trees and vineyards

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Agriturismo - Where to stay overnight

The little mediaeval village is situated on the top of a hill full of olives and vineyards inside the Maremma. Through excavations it has been discovered that Magliano before being the old Roman municipality of Heba was an Etruscan installation. Starting from the IX Century Magliano was under the sway of the Aldobrandeschi, later under the Sienese Republic which strengthened the village with a powerful city walls whre today it is its oldes nucleus.

At the same period date back the two villages of Montiano and Pereta. Pereta is really particoular and characteristic for its little Hauses narrow to the others and often linked by little archs of support. Magliano has also become popular for the D.O.C wine viticulture’s development, known as Morellino of Scansano.


Where to stay overnight:

✅ Farm-holidays in Magliano in Toscana

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Agriturismo - Where to stay overnight:

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