• Talamone: a fortress built upon Greek legends and more ...

Talamone: a fortress built upon Greek legends

Talamone: a fortress built upon Greek legends
Talamone, a small Maremma village with ancient origins. - Agriturismoverde
Talamone: a fortress built upon Greek legends

Talamone: a fortress built upon Greek legends

Talamone, a small Maremma village with ancient origins.

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Agriturismo - Where to stay overnight

Talamone is a charming village in Maremma, located on the southern border of the Uccellina mountain range. Characterized by its ancient fortress built for the Aldobrandeschi family, this small village oversees the beautiful Silver Coast and reflects onto the crystal blue water of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Legend has it that the name Talamone comes directly from the Greek hero Telamon, son of Aeacus and Endeïs, brother of Achilles' father, Peleus. It says that Telamon landed here on his way back from Calabria and he is buried right under the fortress.

Original Article: https://bit.ly/2JPYbUe

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