Thermal baths of Santa Caterina in Bagno Vignoni
- Category Environment and Nature
Val d’Orcia Park - Thermal baths of Santa Caterina in Bagno Vignoni
Number of views: 7175Agriturismo - Where to stay overnight
The charming village in the heart of the Val d’Orcia Park (cultural landscape registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List since July 2004), a small hamlet in the municipality of S. Quirico d’Orcia, has developed around the large pool from which the miraculous hot waters known since the most remote times gush out. The Etruscans first, the Romans then consecrated the waters to the gods, to the sacred “tutelary nymphs of the bath” - “Ninphis sacrum L. Trebonium patern (us) Lib. Fortunatus voto posuit signum cum Basim ed aedem F. Cur. " witness the "Roman" inscription found inside the spa - with which Lucio Trebonio Paterno placed as an ex voto and made build a temple consecrated to the Nymphs.
A large literature gives certain and documented information on the "Bagno di Vignone", the importance of the place and the therapeutic use of the waters for balneo-mud therapy treatments since 1170 when the Emperor Frederick II gave it the "fief".
Lorenzo dei Medici (Il Magnifico) made extensive use of it for the treatment of arthritis in 1490. Caterina Benincasa, the patron saint of Italy to whom the establishment thermal bath is entitled to stay there between 1362 and 1367. Even Michele de Montaigne passing through on 14 September 1581 mentions it in his "travel diaries in Italy". The waters of Bagno Vignoni, bicarbonate-sulphate-alkaline-earthy-hyperthermic, which flow at a temperature of about 50/52 degrees are still used in the treatment of arthro-rheumatic diseases through treatments of balneo - mud therapy and inhalation therapy for ENT diseases.
Massotherapy, relaxing, curative, lymphatic drainage and shiatsu treatments complete the treatments. “Wellness” packages allow you to attend the establishment even for just 1 day.