• Produttore Tipico Fusini ☀️ Magliano in Toscana | EN and more ...

Produttore Tipico Fusini

Produttore Tipico Fusini

Loc. Collecchio, 38/A - 58051 - Magliano in Toscana - Grosseto (Province)


(+39) 0564-596040
(+39) 347-1164355
(+39) 347-1164355 (Whatsapp)

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Our Products

All of our in-made products can be purchased from us.


The Agritourism is an essential part of our farm.  It covers an area of around 30 hectares of land, designated mainly to vineyards and olive groves, the rest being dedicated to grain, fodder, fruit and vegetable gardens.


The business production is based mainly on three products: wine, oil, and jam which are used in the Agritourism and also sold to our clients.


° Production of IGT Tuscan wine (typical geographical indication).  We have a selection of red, white and Vermentino which is named as “il Fusicchio”, using exquisite produce such as: San Giovese, Montepulciano, Trebbiano Toscano, Vermentino, Ansonica.


° Production of extra virgin olive oil which is made with a variety of olives like Leccini, Frantoiani, Pendolini, Maraioli which give an exquisite and aromatic extra virgin olive oil, is ideal for seasoning.  There is the possibility to purchase this oil in 500ml bottles, or in a 3 litre or 5 litre container.

° Production of a variety of jams such as strawberry, apricot, peach, plum, fig, and onion which go splendidly well with cheese.


° The sale of grappa which has been produced with our fresh marcs from the distillery Nannoni di Paganico.


In addition, we offer guided tasting.

OPEN MORNING 8.00-12.00

AFTERNOON 16.00-20.00


Other characteristics

  • Typical farm product:

    Oliveoil, red wine, Vermentino, liquor, jam.

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Turismo Verde Grosseto - Agriturismo e Tipicità della maremma Toscana
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